
Recruitment – Eligible and Ineligible list of applications received for recruitment to various posts of Child Helpline (1098) under Mission Vatsalya Scheme

Recruitment – Eligible and Ineligible list of applications received for recruitment to various posts of Child Helpline (1098) under Mission Vatsalya Scheme
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Recruitment – Eligible and Ineligible list of applications received for recruitment to various posts of Child Helpline (1098) under Mission Vatsalya Scheme

Eligible and Ineligible list of applications received for recruitment to various posts of Child Helpline (1098) under Mission Vatsalya Scheme

13/03/2025 30/03/2025 View (66 KB) काउंसलर पा़त्र अपात्र सूची (4 MB) केस वर्कर पा़त्र अपात्र सूची (5 MB) परियोजना समन्वयक – पात्र अपात्र सूची (4 MB) सुपरवाइजर पात्र अपात्र सूची (4 MB)