

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Cancellation notice – Regarding cancellation of advertisement issued for recruitment of vacant posts under Chhattisgarh State Rural Livelihood Mission

Regarding cancellation of advertisement issued for recruitment of vacant posts under Chhattisgarh State Rural Livelihood Mission

21/03/2025 05/04/2025 View (242 KB)
Recruitment – Resolution of claims and objections for various posts of government child care institutions under Mission Vatsalya Scheme and publication of final eligible and ineligible list

Resolution of claims and objections for various posts of government child care institutions under Mission Vatsalya Scheme and publication of final eligible and ineligible list

13/03/2025 30/03/2025 View (65 KB) दावा आपत्ति निराकरण अंतिम सूची (235 KB) परामर्शदाता – पात्र सूची (4 MB) परामर्शदाता – अपात्र सूची (2 MB) स्टोर कीपर सह लेखापाल – पात्र अपात्र सूची (577 KB) पैरामेडिकल स्टाफ – पात्र अपात्र सूची (392 KB) पी.टी. इस्ट्रक्टर – पात्र अपात्र सूची (475 KB) एजुकेटर – पात्र अपात्र सूची (588 KB) कला एवं क्राफट सह संगीत शिक्षक – पात्र अपात्र सूची (317 KB) रसोईया – पात्र अपात्र सूची (392 KB) सहायक सह रात्रि चौकीदार- पात्र अपात्र सूची (141 KB)
Recruitment – Eligible and Ineligible list of applications received for recruitment to various posts of Child Helpline (1098) under Mission Vatsalya Scheme

Eligible and Ineligible list of applications received for recruitment to various posts of Child Helpline (1098) under Mission Vatsalya Scheme

13/03/2025 30/03/2025 View (66 KB) काउंसलर पा़त्र अपात्र सूची (4 MB) केस वर्कर पा़त्र अपात्र सूची (5 MB) परियोजना समन्वयक – पात्र अपात्र सूची (4 MB) सुपरवाइजर पात्र अपात्र सूची (4 MB)
Recruitment – Advertisement for recruitment to 09 vacant contractual posts in Rajnandgaon district under Chhattisgarh State Rural Livelihood Mission

Advertisement for recruitment to 09 vacant contractual posts in Rajnandgaon district under Chhattisgarh State Rural Livelihood Mission

12/03/2025 03/04/2025 View (4 MB)